
  • “It was very interesting to know that you can give commands to the subconscious while awake. The process is very straight forward in its approach and I found it effective. There is a definite shift in my physical experience and I am grateful to have worked with Jo as she supports and holds the space in a very gentle way. The pain really does go!“

    — Belinda

  • “I found the session with Jo very beneficial. Lots of memories that I thought I’d cleared came up quite strongly, although afterwards I felt a huge sense of relief. I feel much lighter as a result. I definitely recommend this therapy for any emotional issues that affect your life“


  • “Thank you for yesterday. I was sceptical before we started – its definitely helping though as earlier my son was talking about moving out and oddly I could only think of the positives of the move, its like obviously I know there’ll be negatives for me but it means hell get the freedom he craves and I’ll only get the best bits of being his mum and friend and none of the bad bits- so thank you my abandonment feels more of a 3 today. I can acknowledge it and give it a hug and not feel overwhelmed.”

    — Angela

  • “I didn’t know if it would work but the effect has been massive. I have noticed I have more energy and I am more motivated, working round the clock. Normally I would get depressed and I haven’t.“

    — Edwina